
Been there. Done that.

When I was working on recovery from a bunch of mental illness diagnoses, I saw this practice gap in mental health services. I was learning about changes I needed to make, but it was all theoretical. There were no people that could show me how they made those changes in their own lives or how to adapt clinical concepts to the complexity of real life. It’s like if we went to the gym and all of the personal trainers had only read books about weightlifting but didn’t actually lift weights themselves. There was no role in mental health similar to a personal fitness trainer—somebody that lives the practice, that excels at it, that constantly pushes themselves to take on new challenges so they can guide others.

That’s what I do with mental health and fitness. It’s been more than 10 years since I left the mental illness diagnoses behind and now I dedicate myself to improving my mental fitness, maintaining recovery, testing supports, and exploring the limits of my mind, so I can share those skills with you.

If you want to learn how to lift heavy weights or sustain difficult changes, it helps to learn from somebody that does it and loves it.

Follow a plan!

We’ll develop a structured plan of weekly exercises designed around the changes you want to make and fundamental skills to support those changes and sustain them. And then you’ll dive into the work. Right from the first week of working together, you’ll have at least one exercise to practice that involves doing things you’ve never done before in your life. We’re going to make your brain sweat!

How does it start?

First we find out where things are at and where you want things to go. The exercises from my book, / THE MIND WORKOUT (UK version) are the way to get started on that. It takes you through a series of exercises to understand the basics of mental fitness and see where you want to go. Based on that, we’ll get aligned on goals and then jump into the journey of making those changes.

Open Notes

After each call, I’ll send you the notes covering exercises for the week ahead and key concepts we discussed. You will always have all of the notes from our work. That transparency is important to our relationship and it’s a big support to following through on the plan.

Your Time & Your Platform

My clients are all over the world so I see Australia and India when I wake up and California before going to bed. As part of making mental health skills more accessible, I’m available when you’re available. And we’ll use whatever platforms you already use for communication. This work needs to blend into the flow of our lives because living our lives is what this is all about.

ASAP Support

Your questions will always be my top priority when responding to messages I get throughout the day. Depending on the exercises you’re working on, we can also schedule quick check-ins over messenger that don’t require a call.

How often do we meet?

My goal is to help you become your own coach as quickly as possible. The frequency with which I meet clients does vary. A typical program might involve meeting every week for the first two months, then every other week for two months, and then monthly for a few months, and then whenever you’d like to check in or you run into a new challenge.

How much does it cost?

$175 USD per session. That’s a 50 minute video chat call and includes the email notes and the personal online support via email/text/social media after the session. I also do discounts for buying multiple sessions upfront.

Will this be a good fit for you?

Let’s find out. Send me a message about the things you’d like to be doing more of in life and we’ll take it from there:

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