How can I stop ruminating?

Life after recovery

I always enjoy collaborating with OCD UK because they have such a helpful focus on recovery and promoting effective treatments for overcoming OCD, so when they launched an online conference this year, hosted at “Hotel Recovery”, just as I’m wrapping up a decade post recovery, I figured it’d be a great time to talk about…
Being open about mental health isn’t brave.

It’s normal. It’s healthy. It’s responsible. Talking about stuff in your brain is no different than talking about stuff going on with any other body part. Talking about improving your mental health and fitness is no different than talking about improving your physical health and fitness. Swapping techniques on how to do difficult exercises is…
5 Tips for Improving Focus
It’s not possible to be awesome at focusing unless you practice focusing and push your limits, just like it’s not possible to be awesome at running unless you practice running and push your limits. Here are five ways to practice focusing that have really helped me get my mind to stay in one place at…